Chris Haines

Hi, I'm Chris! I graduated high school early and self-studied programming to publish my first game. I now have an Associate of Science and am currently pursuing a Bachelor's of Computer Science at University College Dublin.


GitHub Unity Engine Visual Studio
Java Python C C#
Blender CSS HTML Excel


This Website

I built this website from scratch using HTML and CSS. I'm going to be continously updating it as I take on new projects and learn new skills.

Tech Arena 2024

Competed among Master's and PhD students in the live finals of the Huawei hackathon. Our team of undergraduates didn't win, but we learned a lot and had a great time.

Pigstorm Castle

While stuck at home during the pandemic, I started building small games as I taught myself programming. After over a year of development, I published Pigstorm Castle on the App Storeā€”a project that transformed my passion for game development into reality.

Eagle Scout

As a final step towards Eagle Scout I put all the skills I had learned from the past decade together to create detailed plans for a project that would benefit my community and then lead a team of youth to raise funds and build it